FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg • Lehrevaluation
Dr. Monika Stärk
Büro für Gender and Diversity (BGD)
ARIADNEtechnat Mentors fin
First Name
Year of birth
What is your gender?
Do you have children?
Year(s) of birth
Program of studies
Second program of studies (if applicable):
Year of completion
Position/professional activity
Focus topics of research
Nature of research
Experience with committees (period, position, committee)
Experience in industry
Stays abroad (period, country/location/institution, objective of the stay)
Grants raised
Membership in scientific societies
Volunteering activities
In case you want to, please share further information, which may be of relevance for the mentoring (e.g. do/did you have responsibilities regarding family care; do/did you experience specific challenges during your personal career path?) Please note: this information will be treated confidentially and not shared with third parties, including potential mentees. It helps us to improve our matching.
Have you already been active as a mentor with the ARIADNE program?
Did you take part in ARIADNE as a mentee?
in which year?
What is your motivation to be involved with ARIADNE as a mentor? (Feel free to select several options!)
other, namely
Which topics will you be able to cover as a mentor? (several choices welcome):
What are your expectations towards the program and the program coordination? (Feel free to select several options!)
In which languages would you be able to do the mentoring?
For which levels of qualification would you assume a mentorship?
What are personal profiles of a mentee you are especially interested to work with? (several choices welcome)
It is our priority to identify mentees who align with your expectations. For matching purposes, please select *3-4* qualities / characteristics you see as very important with your mentee.
Do you have any further comments on the questionaire or other information you want to share?
Many thanks for sharing your details! We will use this information exclusively in the context of FAU mentoring ARIADNEtechnat. We will share your email contact with a potential mentee during the matching process. Your consent to the use of your data for these purposes is necessary for us to integrate your profile into our database.You can withdraw your consent at any time via email to ariadne-technat@fau.de
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