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ARIADNEtechnat Mentors fin

Sie sind zur Teilnahme an einer Onlineumfrage berechtigt. Die Details zu dieser Umfrage sind:

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg • Lehrevaluation

Dr. Monika Stärk

Büro für Gender and Diversity (BGD)

ARIADNEtechnat Mentors fin

Personal information

Current position


Second program of studies (if applicable):

Postgraduate studies

Current work and professional experience


Further remarks

Consent to use of data

Many thanks for sharing your details! We will use this information exclusively in the context of FAU mentoring ARIADNEtechnat. We will share your email contact with a potential mentee during the matching process. 

Your consent to the use of your data for these purposes is necessary for us to integrate your profile into our database.

You can withdraw your consent at any time via email to ariadne-technat@fau.de
